Some sections of Trackops allow special formatting called Markdown. Markdown is a simple way to quickly add text formatting to plain text that looks good on the browser, but can also be exported and read in plain text.
For example, using Markdown you can write text like this:
I would like **this text to be bold** and _this text to be italic_.
And I would like a bulleted list like this:
* Item 1
* Item 2
* Item 3
And have the resulting text be displayed like this:
I would like this text to be bold and this text to be italic.
And I would like a bulleted list like this:
• Item 1
• Item 2
• Item 3
For more on how to style text using markdown, read how to format text with Markdown and apply it to the following Trackops sections:
- Client Policies
- Client Notes
- Client Contact Policies
- Client Contact Notes
- Staff Notes