Listing Files
Returns a collection of file records, optionally filtered by the available request parameters.
GET /api/v1/files
Available Request Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | integer | no | ID of the file. |
name | string | no | Name of the file (as stored in Trackops). |
filename | integer | no | Raw file name, with extension (as stored in Trackops). |
case | integer | no | ID of the case connected to this file. |
mime_type | string | no | The mime type associated with this file (e.g. application/pdf). |
created_by | integer | no | ID of the user who created the file or folder. |
created_from | timestamp | no | Created on or after the date, as determined by the system. |
created_to | timestamp | no | Created on or before the date, as determined by the system. |
updated_from | timestamp | no | Updated on or after the date, as determined by the system. |
updated_to | timestamp | no | Updated on or before the date, as determined by the system. |
Note: All timestamp parameters are queried and returned in UTC.
A Note about File URLs
When retrieving a file list, it will include a secure expiring URL to download each file. It is important to note that these URLs are only valid for 15 minutes, so if you do not use the link within this time frame, you must re-query the API to get new URLs. Because of this, you may want to consider reducing the per_page query parameter so you have ample time to handle the requested files without hitting the URL expiration.
Getting a File
Returns a single file record, based on the numeric ID.
GET /api/v1/files/{file_id}
Uploading a New File
Uploading a new file to Trackops consists of three steps:
- Obtain a new upload URL
- Use the URL to upload (PUT) a binary file to Trackops
- Process the newly uploaded file
1. Obtaining an Upload URL
Generates a new pre-signed upload URL, that can be used to upload a file into the system. The upload URL will expire 30 minutes after it has been generated. Include the filename of the file to upload using the filename parameter.
GET /api/v1/cases/{case_id}/upload_url?filename={filename.ext}
url: "upload URL will be included here"
2. Uploading a File to the Upload URL
Using the upload URL generated in step 1, upload (PUT) a binary file into the system. Ensure the Content-Type header is included as application/octet-stream as shown in the example below.
PUT {upload_url}
Example Uploading URL using cURL
curl --request PUT -H "Content-Type:application/octet-stream" --data-binary "@filename.ext" "{upload_url}"
3. Processing the Uploaded File
Processes the uploaded file into the system.
POST /api/v1/cases/{case_id}/process_upload
Available Parameters:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
filename | string | yes | The name of the file as stored on disk, including the file extension. |
access_group_id | integer | yes | The ID of the access group associated with this file. See Access Groups. |
is_valid | boolean | no | Determines if the file should be valid upon upload. In most cases, you'll set this value to be true. |
notes | string | no | Text that goes along with this file upload. |
upload: {
"filename": "filename.ext",
"access_group_id": 1,
"is_valid": true,
"notes": "Uploaded via the API"