API Reference - Case Update Notifications

Case update notifications are generated each time a case update is "sent" (i.e. delivered by email or other transport) to a user.  

Listing Case Update Notifications

Returns a collection of case status history records, optionally filtered by the available request parameters.

GET /api/v1/case/update/notifications


Available Request Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
update integer no ID of the case update.
notification integer no ID of the notification.
case integer no ID of the case.
access_group integer no ID of the associated access group.
sent_by integer no ID of the user who sent the notification.
sent_to integer no ID of the user who received the notification. 
from timestamp no The notification was sent on or after the specified timestamp.
to timestamp no The notification was sent on on or before the specified timestamp.

Note: All timestamp parameters are queried and returned in UTC. 


Getting Case Update Notifications for a Single Case Update

Returns a case status history collection for a single case, based on the numeric update ID.

GET /api/v1/case/update/notifications/{update_id}


Getting a Single Case Update Notification Record

Returns a single case status history record for a given update ID and notification ID.

GET /api/v1/cases/status_history/{update_id}/{notification_id}

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