Uploading your Company Logos

There are three types of logos that you can upload inside the Trackops system. All uploaded logos must either be in either .gif, .jpg, or .png format.

  • The first is your "System Logo"; a full-color image that appears on the login screen as well as the public case request form.  
  • The second, is your "Print Logo" that only appears on your printed invoices.
  • The last is your "Email Logo", which appears on all outgoing email from the system.  Please note that some email systems do not allow embedded images and may strip or reformat emails that include your embedded logo.

To upload your company logos, click the Settings tab at the top right of your screen, and then click Upload Logos link under the Global section.


Tip: The maximum size is 285 x 145 pixels, and the system will automatically resize images that are too big.  For the best results, use the largest image you have, and remove as much white space from around your logo as possible before uploading it.

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