How to Create Custom Fields

By default, Trackops captures a lot standard information about your cases, subjects and other areas of an investigation.  That said, every investigation is different, and often times you may need to capture information that is specific to your company, market, or region.  The best way to do this is through the use of "Custom Fields".

To see your custom fields, click the Settings tab, and then the Custom Fields link.  You will notice, that by default, there are already several fields listed here.  This is largely due to the fact that your "Subject Types" are made up entirely of custom fields, which you can modify at any time. 

Note: To save time, you can also create a custom field from within the section you are creating the field for.  For example, if you are editing a "case type", you can create a new "Case" field from right inside the case type form.  See the "Field Uses" section below for more information.

To create a new custom field, click the New Custom Field button in the top right:


Field Uses

When creating a custom field, you must select the "use" for this field.  A field can only be used in one capacity.  The table below indicates where your custom field will be available to configure or use, based on the selected use.  If you are creating a new custom field that requires configuration, this means that is will not be available to be used until you tell the system where you want it to be used.  For example, if you create a new "Case" field, you must edit each "Case Type" and enable this field.  A single "Case" field can be used across many case types, and should only be created one time.  The same concept applies to other uses, such as case reviews and subject types.

Note: To save time, you can also create a custom field from within the section you are creating the field for.  For example, if you are editing a "case type", you can create a new "Case" field from right inside the case type form.  Once you have created the field once, you only need to select it from each additional case type you wish to enable it for.

Use Configured In Used In
Case Case Types Creating or editing a case.
Contact N/A Creating or editing a client contact profile.
Review Case Reviews Answered on each applicable case, under the "Reviews" tab.
Staff N/A Creating or editing an employee or vendor profile.
Subject Subject Types Creating or editing a subject on a new or existing case.

Available Field Types:

  • Address - A full address block, with an address, city, state, zip, and country select.  Address fields can also be mapped from inside a case.
  • Country - A single drop down with a country select.
  • Date - A date field, including a calendar-style date picker.
  • Date (Birthday) - A date field, similar to the above.  However, this field type will also display the age of the person when viewing.
  • Email - An input box that requires an email address.
  • Long Answer - A larger text box, designed to hold free-text notes and information.  For shorter answers, use the "Short Answer" field type.
  • Money - A currency entry box.  Similar to a number field, however it formats the result as currency.
  • Multiple Choice (Dropdown) - A list of pre-defined answers that can be chosen from a dropdown menu (for yes/no choices, use a "Yes or No" field).
  • Multiple Choice (Radio) - A list of pre-defined answers that are shown on the screen and chosen via a radio button (for yes/no choices, use a "Yes or No" field).
  • * Multiple Choice (Rating) - A list of pre-defined answers that correlate with pre-defined ratings (0-100).  This field feels like a traditional multiple choice field, yet behaves like a Rating field.
  • Name - A person's full name, complete with First, Middle, and Last name fields.
  • Number - Accepts only numeric characters (decimal).
  • * Rating (0 - 100) - Accepts numbers from 1 to 100.  Similar to a number, however it can be used to generate performance averages.
  • Section - A content header / section break (read only) that is used to group similar fields.
  • Short Answer - A small input box, designed to hold answers that are only a few words or a short sentence.  For longer answers, use the "Long Answer" field type.
  • Website (Url) - A valid URL or Website address.  Your website address must start with http:// or https://
  • Yes or No - A radio button that simply allows you to choose a yes or no answer.
  • Yes, No, or N/A - Similar to a Yes or No option, but also gives you a "Not Applicable" answer.  For reporting purposes, N/A answers are ignored and not calculated into the averages.
  • * Yes, No, or N/A (Rating) - Works like the looks and feels Yes/No, or N/A field, yet behaves like a rating field.

* Note:  See below for a more detailed description of Rating style fields.

When you select the field type, additional options will appear if that field type requires more information. For example, if you select a "Multiple Choice" type, the system will prompt you to create the choices necessary to generate the field.

Redacting Field Data

Fields also have the capability of being redacted.  Redacted fields may require a special permission to view.  For example, if you were to create a "Bank Account Number" field, you might opt to redact the value so that only the last 4 digits of the account number are shown by default (as shown below):


To unmask a redacted field, a user must have the permission to View Redacted Field Data.  If the user has this permission, the data will still show the redacted value by default, but they will have an additional option to view the full data if they choose.

Other Field Options

Additionally, fields my be marked as Required and/or Internal:

  • Required - If yes, the field must be filled out, or the form will throw an error message.
  • Visibility - Determines who can view and/or edit this field.  Options include:
    • Everyone (Clients, Employees, and Vendors)
    • Only Employees
    • Only Employees and Vendors

Working With "Rating" Fields

Rating fields look and act like other custom fields in the system, yet they affect the average Case Rating when used in the context of case reviews.  

  • Multiple reviews with ratings on the same case will aggregate together, generating an overall average case rating.  
  • Leaving a rating field empty will omit the result from the overall rating.  Omitting a value on a rating style field is different than marking it zero.

Practical Uses for "Section" Fields

Section fields are a special type of custom field that are designed to make it easier to group and organize information within a subject form.  In the event that your forms get long, it can be advantageous to add sections inside of the form to break up the page and make it easier to find relevant data.


When using section fields inside your subject types and/or case types, remember to use the blue arrows to drag / reorganize your fields so that the they are listed in the order you expect. 

Important: It is important to note that when adding new fields to an existing subject form (including sections) they will not appear on existing subjects unless that subject is edited and saved. 

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