Configuring your General Global Settings

To configure your general settings, click the Settings tab and then the General Global Settings link.

  • Customer Name - The name of your company.  This field will be displayed throughout your system, and on various email notices that are sent.
  • Customer Website - Your website address (if you have one).  If you have a website, enter it here and you can display it in your email templates.
  • Account Subdomain - The subdomain used to access your account.  Subdomains can only contain letters, numbers, and dashes.  For example, if your subdomain is demo, you would type to access your system.  You can change your subdomain at any time, as long as it's not taken by another customer.
    • Important: Changing your subdomain will immediately change your access URL, thus making old links (including those including in emails) and bookmarks outdated.  It's usually a good idea to let your staff and clients know before you change this setting.
  • Default Country - The country you primarily operate out of.  This setting simply controls the default values when entering things such as new clients and contacts.
  • Default Language - The default language that your system will use.  This is typically configured when entering a new contact or staff member.
  • Default List Limit - For most lists in the system, such as the case list, or invoice list, we incorporate a paging system to limit the number of results.  You can configure the default number of results to be displayed.  Each user can also customize their own limits on each list.
  • Distance Measurement Unit - Choose the metric you use to measure driving distance (either miles or kilometres.  This unit is used when calculating driving distances between locations.
  • Login Request Expiration Hours - When someone is sent an invitation email or when someone requests a new password, the system generates an email with a special link inside.  This link allows that person to setup or reset their password.  For security purposes, it's usually better to have these links expire after number of hours.  
  • External Maps - Addresses throughout the system often provide a Get Map link to load the address in an external map (e.g. Google Maps).  Trackops offers several external mapping providers to best suit your needs.
  • System Timezone - The default timezone that you operate out of.  For consistency, all dates and times in your Trackops system operate off of the same timezone.  
  • Work Week Start Day - The day that your work week begins. This setting is primarily used for scheduling and payment slips that utilize overtime. 
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