Configuring your General Finance Settings

To configure your general finance settings, click the Settings tab, and then click the General Finance Settings link.


  • Expense Entry Number Format - The display format for which to present your expense entry numbers.  Typically this setting allows you to add a prefix (e.g. EXP-) to the front of your entry numbers to prevent confusion with other auto-generated numbers.

Expense Slips

  • Overtime Calculation Default - Determines if the system will auto toggle the setting to use overtime when generating new payment slips. If you wish to calculate overtime most of the time, set this to Yes.  This setting can be toggled before generating each batch of payment slips.
  • Overtime Rate (Percent) - This rate at which you pay overtime.  For example, if you pay "time and a half" for overtime, the system will multiply an investigator's "Blended Rate" by the percentage entered here in order to generate an overtime rate.
  • Overtime Threshold (Hours) - The number of hours that an investigator can enter per week before overtime begins to accumulate.  Note that a week starts on Sunday and ends on the following Saturday.
  • Payment Slip Number Format - The display format for which to present your payment slip numbers.  Typically this setting allows you to add a prefix (e.g. SLIP-) to the front of your slip numbers to prevent confusion with other auto-generated numbers.


  • Billing Address/Info - Your address, as you want it to appear on your printed invoices.  This is also a good place to include other important information like your federal tax ID, and/or your agency license(s).
  • Default Currency - The currency your firm uses for invoicing.  All invoices and retainers will be calculated in this currency.
  • Default Invoice Due Days - The system can automatically populate the due date on an invoice, based on the date created.  Once the date has been set, you can easily change the date while creating or editing an invoice.  You can also leave this field blank to not have the system automatically set the due date for you.
  • Default Public Invoice Notes - The default notes you want populated on every invoice.  This is a good place to put a thank you note, or other information that you want every invoice to include.  You can easily change these notes while creating or editing any invoice.
  • Default Invoice Terms - A description of your invoice terms.  This will be included on every invoice, and can be modified at any time while creating or editing the invoice.
  • Include Invoice Summary - Determines if the system automatically appends a "summary" of your invoice when generating a PDF (including emailed PDFs of the invoice).  An invoice summary combines similar line items into a summary table, which provides an easy-to-read consolidated list of charges.
  • Invoice Number Format - The formatting that your invoice numbers will use.  You must include the "invoice number variable" in this field in order to display the proper number, however you can also add other characters to make the number distinct.
  • Line Item Date Format - Each line item contains a date of service, either by adding a new item directly from the invoice (see Show Line Item Dates below), or converting your expenses into an invoice. Using the provided variables, you can change how the date is displayed. 
  • Line Item Staff Display - When enabled, the system will include an extra column on invoices to indicate the staff member responsible for the service provided.  The configuration allows for the full name, the person's initials, or their account code (configured on each staff profile) to be displayed in this column.
  • Round Tax on Each Line - When enabled, the system will apply taxes on each line, rounding up to the nearest cent, and then sum the values together for the tax total.  When disabled, the system will sum all taxable totals together and then apply taxes on the aggregate total, only rounding once.
  • Show Item Codes - When enabled, the system will display an extra column with the selected item code next to each line item on an invoice. 
  • Show Line Item Dates - When enabled, the system will display an extra column with the date of service next to each line item on an invoice.  The date format via the Line Item Date Format setting on this same screen.
  • Show Primary Subject - Turn this setting off to remove the subject's name from the invoice (assuming it is connected to a case).  This can be useful in situations where the invoice recipient (e.g. billing department) should not be privy to the name of the subject.  
  • Retainer Number Format - Similar to the invoice number format, this setting configures the display of your retainer numbers.
  • Always Use Case Salesperson - When this setting is enabled, the system will attempt to use the primary salesperson assignment associated with the connected case, regardless of the default salesperson configuration on the client, location, or contact that is assigned to the invoice itself.  When disabled, the system will always try to use the default salesperson assignments that are associated with the invoice client, regardless of if the case has a primary salesperson assignment or not. Please note, if this setting is enabled, but there is no primary salesperson assigned to the connected case, the system will attempt to use the default salesperson assignments for the client, location, and contact associated with the invoice. 
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