Often times, when working a case, it is important to highlight certain information that may impact how the case is handled. For example, you may flag a case as "Rush" if the case needs to be scheduled right away, or "Suspected Fraud" should you find evidence of foul play. Not only will this information help you spot important cases, it can also be used to generate statistics down the road. You'll be able to determine how many cases with a particular flag were worked for a specific client, or simply break down how many of these cases you worked during a given month. You can create as many flags as you need.
To create a new case flag, click the Settings tab, and then click the Case Flags link.
Fill out the form, making sure to choose which Case Types this flag should be available for, and then click save.
Once your flags are created, you can search for them via the case list.
Note: Case flags are always displayed by their "rank". See below for information on how to reorder/re-rank case flags.
Reordering Case Flags
Trackops offers you the ability to reorder/re-rank your case flags so that the most important case flags are displayed first and are the most visible. To order your case flags, navigate to the Settings tab, click Case Flags, and then click the Reorder Case Flags button in the upper right. From here, click and drag the case flags up and down so that the most important flag is at the top of the list. Once done, click Save Case Flag Order to confirm your rankings. Now, when viewing a case, or a case list, the most important flags will always appear at the beginning of the list.