How to Create a New Calendar

Creating new calendars is a great way to organize and color code your tasks and events.  

To create a new calendar, click the Settings tab, and then click the Calendars link.  From here, click the New Calendar button in the top right and fill out the form. 

Activity Fulfillment Configuration

In some situations, you may also wish to request certain types of information from staff assigned to events and/or tasks in this calendar.  To do this, simply check the boxes next to the items you require:

  • Expense Entry - Requires a new expense entry be submitted by each assigned user.
  • Case Review - Requires a new case review (of the selected questionnaire) to be submitted by each assigned user.
  • Case Update - Requires a new case update to be submitted by each assigned user.

Once activity fulfillment has been configured, newly created tasks and events can be monitored by going to Calendar > Activity Fulfillment.  Read more about Activity Fulfillment Auditing to learn how the entire process works.

Once the calendar has been created, it should be visible when you look at the Calendar tab.

See Also:

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