Task templates are only available for Premium subscribers
For many types of cases, the workflow is very predictable, meaning that the same tasks need to be completed on every case. For situations like this, Trackops offers the concept of Task Templates. A task template allows you to pre-design your tasks so they can be automatically generated on each case. This handy feature will save when creating and managing tasks, and will also help eliminate mistakes when planning the milestones on your cases.
Creating a Task Template
To create a new task template, navigate to the Settings tab and then click Task Templates. From here, create a new template by clicking New Template in the upper right of the screen.
- Name - A short name for this template that helps you better identify it in a list.
- Title - A unique and descriptive title for this task. It is recommended to make use of template variables (see below) in your task titles to ensure that staff will be able to identify the task based on the title. Without template variables, all tasks will have the same title, which may lead to some confusion.
- Attach Primary Subject - If you want to associate the primary subject on the connected case to this task, be sure to check this box.
- Calendar - The color-coded calendar you wish to place this task in. It's usually a good idea to have separate calendars for different types of tasks.
- Trigger Status - Once the case reaches the specified case status the tasks will be generated. To have tasks generated when a case is created, simply select your first status (e.g. New).
- Due Date - The due date on the task is configured by choosing the number of days before or after the case due date, case creation date, or the date the case reached the Trigger Status.
Optionally, check Automatically sync with case due date changes to automatically sync the due date with the connected case. This feature is most commonly used when tasks are due date dependent, such as report deadlines. - Note: It is important to note that if a case is created without a due date, and the task relies on the case due date to set its own due date, then the task due date will remain empty.
- Notes - The notes allow for specific instructions or comments that assist with the completion of the task. Using template variables allows you to inject case and/or client data into the description of the task.
- Client - If this template is specific to a particular client, choose it here, and the template will only be generated on new cases for the selected client.
- Assign To - Optionally configure this template to auto-assign a user once it has been assigned to the connected case. The system will assign the first user in the designated assign type (e.g. Investigator) to the task as soon as they are assigned to the connected case.
- Send Task Assignment Notice - Optionally disable the delivery of notification emails when a staff member is assigned to tasks generated by this template. For routine tasks that are generated on every case, you can disable assignment notices to avoid excess emails from being delivered to staff members.
- Repeat - Repeating tasks should be used when you'd like to generate a series of tasks spread throughout the life of the case. Simply define the number of days between each case, and the system will automatically generate a tasks for each interval until the case due date.
- Auto-Complete - In some situations, you may wish to have tasks automatically complete if a case reaches a certain status (e.g. Closed). Choose a case status to monitor, and when the case reaches this status, tasks linked to this template will automatically be marked as Complete.
Filtering by Case Types and Case Services
When creating a task template you will be able to choose the Case Types and Case Services that are relevant to this task template.
When a new case is created, the system will first determine if the case type selected matches one of the selected case types on your task template. If there is a match, the system will then determine if at least one of the case services on the new case matches the selected case services on the task template. If both of these conditions are true, then the relevant tasks will be generated on the new case.
In the event that a new case is created without any case services selected, the system will only verify that the case type matches and will not take the next step of trying to match case services. New tasks will then be created on these cases.
Example Task Template
In the above example, we've created the skeleton for a report due task. This task will be automatically created when a new case in the selected case types (which in the case is all of them) has been created. In addition, we've used template variables (indicated by the curly braces) to insert case-specific data into the template. The case data will be automatically merged into the task when the case is created, as shown here:
Once a template has generated a task, it functions like any other task or event in the system. Get started with task templates today and optimize your workflow!