How to Customize your Email Templates

Note: Email customization is disabled for customers on the trial plan.  To customize your email templates, please upgrade your trial account to a paid plan.  If you have questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact us at your convenience.

Trackops offers a variety of email notifications that are sent to your staff and clients alike.  While the default email templates work for most people, you have the ability to customize them to your liking through the program.

To make changes to your email templates, click the Settings tab, then click Email Settings & Templates.  From here, click on the email template you wish to edit.   

Make sure the notification is enabled by checking the box (as shown below).


Trackops also allows you to include variables inside your templates. These template variables are simply placeholders for actual data, which is populated on the fly when the email is delivered. 


To insert a variable into your email template, simply place your cursor where you want the variable to appear, and then select it from the variable list at the bottom of the form.  If you already know the variable, you can simply type or paste the variable into the template where you would like it to go. Please note, variables are case sensitive.

CC Email Addresses

Some email templates include the ability to include a CC Email.  When an email address is specified in this area, all notifications of this type will be copied to the specified recipient.


Customizable Email Templates

Template Can be Disabled? CC Enabled? Description
Case Assignment Notice YES YES Sent to employees/vendors when assigned to a case.
Case Budget Threshold Notice YES YES Sent to the case manager when a case is nearing full budget utilization.
Case Update Email NO NO Template for sending case update emails.
Event Assignment Notice YES YES Sent to employees/vendors when assigned to an event or task.
Expense Entry Decline Notice YES YES Alerts an employee/vendor when one of their expense entries is declined.
Event Change Notice YES YES Alerts an assigned user when information on an event/task changes.
Event Invitation Decline Notice YES YES Sent to an investigator when they were invited to share availability on an assignment they did not end up being assigned to.
Event Invitation Email YES YES Sent when an investigator is invited to share availability for an upcoming assignment.
Event Invitation Response Notice YES YES Sent to a manager or to the general notification email when someone responds to an invitation.
Expired License Notice YES YES Sent to an employee/vendor when a license becomes expired.
Expiring License Notice YES YES Alert an employee/vendor when a license is expiring soon.
Invoice Email NO NO Sent to a recipient, along with an attached PDF Invoice.
Invoice Payment Receipt YES NO Sent to clients when a payment is received on their invoices.
Invoice Payment Reminder #1 YES NO The first payment reminder for overdue invoices.
Invoice Payment Reminder #2 YES NO The second payment reminder for overdue invoices.
Invoice Payment Reminder #3 YES NO The final payment reminder for overdue invoices.
New Case Notice YES YES Sent to the general system email when a new case is submitted.
New Case Receipt YES YES Sent to the customer when a new case is submitted.
New Case Request Notice YES YES Sent to the general system email when a new case request is submitted.
New Case Request Receipt YES YES Sent to the customer when a new case request is submitted.
New Case Update Notice YES YES Sent to the case manager when a new update is posted to their case.
New File Upload Notice YES YES Sent to the case manager when a new file is uploaded to their case.
New Inbound Message Notice YES YES Sent to the general system email when a new inbound message (non case-update related) is received.
Upcoming Event Notice YES YES Alerts a user that one of their events is upcoming.
User Account Activation Receipt NO NO Alerts a user that a new account has been created for them.
User Login Invitation NO NO Invites a user to login to in the system.
User Login Request Instructions NO NO Sends a user instructions on how to reset their password.
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