API Reference - Case Reviews

Case reviews capture case-related statistics that are helpful when evaluating client and/or employee performance.

Listing Case Review Entries

Returns a collection of case review entries, optionally filtered by the available request parameters.

GET /api/v1/case/reviews


Available Request Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
id integer no ID of the case.
case integer no ID of the case this subject belongs to.
user integer no ID of the user this review entry is assigned to.
status string no Choices: "pending", "complete", "attention"

(see explanation of statuses below)
user_last_name string no Last name of the user this review entry is assigned to.
user_first_name string no First Name of the user this review entry is assigned to.
review integer no ID of the review (question set) this review entry belongs to.
is_auto_generated boolean no If yes, the entry was auto-generated.  If no, the entry was manually generated.
created_from_system timestamp no Created on or after the date, as determined by the system.
created_to_system timestamp no Created on or before the date, as determined by the system.
review_from date no Review date on or after the date (Alias From).
review_to date no Review date on or before the date (Alias To).
created_from timestamp no Review was created on or after the date.
created_to timestamp no Review was created on or before the date.
updated_from timestamp no Review was updated on or after the date.
updated_to timestamp no Review was updated on or before the date.
completed_from timestamp no Review was marked complete on or after the date.
completed_to timestamp no Review was marked complete on or before the date.

Note: All timestamp parameters are queried and returned in UTC.

Explanation of Statuses

  • pending - The entry has been generated, and possibly answered, but has not yet been marked as complete.
  • complete - The entry has been reviewed and marked as complete.
  • attention - The review has been escalated, needs additional information, or otherwise requires additional attention.

Getting a Case Review Entry

Returns a single case review entry, based on the numeric ID.

GET /api/v1/case/reviews/{review_entry_id}

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