API Reference - Invoices

Invoices within Trackops are not required to be connected to a case.

Listing Invoices

Returns a collection of invoice records, optionally filtered by the available request parameters.

GET /api/v1/invoices


Available Request Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
id integer no ID of the invoice.
client integer no ID of the root (parent) client the invoice is assigned to.
location integer no ID of the client location the invoice is assigned to.
contact integer no ID of the client contact/user assigned to this invoice.
status string no Choices: "draft", "open", "sent", "partial_paid", "paid"

(see explanation of statuses below)
salesperson integer no ID of the salesperson assigned to this invoice.
case integer no ID of the case connected to this invoice.
tracking_category integer no ID of the tracking category associated with this invoice (if available).
invoice_number integer no The unique numerical invoice number associated with this invoice.
reference_number string no The client reference for this invoice (e.g. Claim number).
created_from date no Created on or after the date (Alias: From).
created_to date no Created on or before the date (Alias: To).
due_from date no Due on or after the date.
due_to date no Due on or before the date.
closed_from date no Closed (i.e. paid in full) on or after the date.
closed_to date no Closed (i.e. paid in full) on or before the date.
created_from_system timestamp no Created on or after the date, as determined by the system.
created_to_system timestamp no Created on or before the date, as determined by the system.
updated_from timestamp no Updated on or after the date, as determined by the system.
updated_to timestamp no Updated on or before the date, as determined by the system.

Note: All timestamp parameters are queried and returned in UTC.

Explanation of Statuses

  • none - The invoice is still a work in process, or is not yet ready to send to the client.
  • open - The invoice is open and awaiting payment.
  • sent - The invoice has been sent via email to the client.
  • partial_paid - The invoice has been partially paid, but there is still an outstanding balance.
  • paid - The invoice has been paid in full, and is considered closed.

Getting an Invoice

Returns a single invoice record, based on the numeric ID.

GET /api/v1/invoices/{invoice_id}

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