API Reference - Events

Events within Trackops are not required to be connected to a case or a subject.

Listing Events

Returns a collection of event records, optionally filtered by the available request parameters.

GET /api/v1/events


Available Request Parameters:

Name Type Required Description
id integer no ID of the event.
title string no Title/name of the event.
calendar integer no ID of the calendar the event is assigned to.
case integer no ID of the case connected to this event.
subject integer no ID of the subject associated with this event.
is_allday boolean no When true, only include "all day" events.
start_from timestamp no Event starts on or after the date (Alias: From).
start_to timestamp no Event starts on or before the date (Alias: To).
end_from timestamp no Event ends on or after the date.
end_to timestamp no Event ends on or before the date.
alert_from timestamp no Event alert is scheduled on or after the date.
alert_to timestamp no Event alert is scheduled on or before the date.
alert_sent_from timestamp no Event alert was delivered on or after the date.
alert_sent_to timestamp no Event alert was delivered on or before the date.
created_from timestamp no Created on or after the date, as determined by the system.
created_to timestamp no Created on or before the date, as determined by the system.
updated_from timestamp no Updated on or after the date, as determined by the system.
updated_to timestamp no Updated on or before the date, as determined by the system.

Note: All timestamp parameters are queried and returned in UTC.


Getting an Event

Returns a single event record, based on the numeric ID.

GET /api/v1/events/{event_id}


Creating an Event

Creates a new event based on the given criteria. Upon success, returns an event object. See the example request at the bottom of this section for a better idea of how a fully formed request should look.  

POST /api/v1/events


Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
casefile_id integer yes The ID of the case this event is connected to.
calendar_id integer yes The ID of the calendar associated with this event.
subject_id integer no The ID subject that this event is connected to.  Note: The subject must be connected to the same `casefile_id` as the event.
case_service_id integer no The ID of the case service being performed on this event.
timestamp yes The start date and time in ISO format. This value should be set in UTC.
end_at timestamp yes The end date and time in ISO format. This value should be set in UTC.
is_allday boolean no Determines if this event is considered an "all day" calendar event.
timezone no The timezone this event is scheduled for.  Timezones should be defined in Region/Locale format (e.g. America/New_York).  A full list of timezones is available here.
title string yes The name of the event.
body string no The description and/or notes for the event.
address no

An address object, with the following properties:

  • address_1 - Line 1 of the street address.
  • address_2 - Line 2 of the street address.
  • address_3 - Line 3 of the street address.
  • city - The city of the address.
  • state - The 2 or 3 character state or province code of the address (if applicable)
  • zip - The zip or postal code of the address.
  • country - The 2-character country code of the address.

Note: See below for an address reference.

users_list collection no An array of staff IDs that should be assigned to this event.


Address Field Object Reference

Addresses are comprised of an `address` object with a collection of properties.  The two fields to pay close attention to are the `state` and `country` fields.  Both of these may have specific requirements.



Example Address Object

 "address": {
"address_1": "2000 Blake Street",
"address_2": "",
"address_3": "",
"city": "Denver",
"state": "CO",
"zip": 80202,
"country": "US"


Example New Event Request

A new event is created by POSTing a JSON object to the specified end point using the above criteria.  The JSON object must contain the required fields (as shown above) and must be nested under a event object.  See the following example request:

"event": {
"casefile_id": 123,
"subject_id": 456,
"case_service_id": 1,
"calendar_id": 1,
"start_at": "2023-01-30 18:00:00",
"end_at": "2023-01-30 22:00:00",
"timezone": "America/Denver",
"is_allday": false,
"title": "Test API Event",
"body": "this is a test from the API",
"address": {
"address_1": "2000 Blake Street",
"address_2": "",
"address_3": "",
"city": "Denver",
"state": "CO",
"zip": 80202,
"country": "US"
"users_list": [1, 2, 3]

Note: The above request is for demonstration purposes only, your implementation will require unique data provided by your account.

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