Profit Distribution

The Profit Distribution report provides a breakdown of invoice profitability across a variety of criteria. So for instance, if you want to see total profits across all of you clients over a given time period, this report can give you that. 

To get started, go to your Reports tab and select Profit Distribution. Similar to other distribution reports once your filters are set and date range chosen, you can click Update to generate the distribution chart. 


Again just like the other distribution reports, you can also see a summary at the bottom of the report that contains totals based off the grouped by criteria.


The summary shows total expensed amount, total invoiced amount, and total profit including the profit margin for selected grouped by criteria (in this instance per each client). 

Additionally, you can group the report by case type, salesperson, client state/province etc. 


You can then Export the report to a .CSV file which you can then provide to your accountant or management team.

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