Utilizing Client Invoice Rules

If you've ever dealt with clients that have specific invoicing rules, you know it can be hard to build a proper invoice without accidentally violating those rules. What's more, if you deliver an invoice with rule violations, there's a good chance it will be rejected and your payments will be delayed.

Trackops offers a simple and easy to use invoicing rules mechanism that allows you to define specific invoice conditions for specific clients and/or client locations. Once configured, the system will automatically alert you if you are in violation of your rules. 

Some common use cases are:

  • Prohibit too many miles from being billed on a given day of work.
  • Require (or prohibit) a setup fee to be added to an invoice for your client.
  • Don't bill over a certain number of travel hours on a given day of work.
  • Don't bill over a certain number of hours for an entire invoice.

Creating a new Invoice Rule

To get started, find a client by clicking the Clients tab and then Client List. From here, search for the client in question and click on the client name. From the client overview, click the Invoice Rules tab, and then Add Invoice Rule on the right side of the screen:

  • Name: A brief label that describes this rule and makes it easy to distinguish from other rules.
  • Condition: The set of criteria that an invoice must meet in order to trigger a violation. For example, the quantity of Mileage must be Less Than 200 per day.
  • Help Text: The instructions on what the end user should do when this violation is met. In some situations, you may want to have the person adjust the invoice to make the violation go away. In other situations, you may wish to contact the client to see if they will authorize an exception for the specific circumstances revolving the given invoice.

Once a rule is created, it will be evaluated on any invoice created for this client.  During the invoice creating process, if a rule is violated (either too much or not enough of something), the invoice will alert you of the violation so you can make any necessary adjustments, if any.

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