Configuring the Tracers Data Search Provider

Trackops has partnered with Tracers, a leading data search provider, to offer live integrated database search capabilities from within Trackops.  By using the Tracers search provider integration, you'll be able to quickly run live searches from your existing Tracers account and have them automatically populate into Trackops.

What's more, you can more accurately create and/or verify subject data on your cases through our simple drag and drop interface.

Note: Tracers only supports organizations that operate in the United States. Companies that do not have an office in the United States cannot obtain a Tracers account.

Step 1: Obtain your Tracers API Credentials

If you're already a Tracers API partner and have valid API credentials, you can skip this step.  Otherwise, you'll need to contact your your Tracers representative to have them enable API capabilities for your account.

Important Note: The credentials required for the Trackops / Tracers integration are NOT the same credentials you use to login to the Tracers website.  You must contact Tracers to enable and obtain your API account credentials.

Step 2: Verify User Role Permissions

If this is the first time you've worked with the data search feature in Trackops you will want to review your user roles to ensure that the right individuals have the ability to run searches and/or view search results.  Typically you'll want anyone who has the ability to create or edit subjects to have the ability to see search results so that they can more easily populate subject forms. 

Important Note: Trackops does not control or have access to your Tracers billing. When determining who should have permission to run data searches, it's important to remember that running data searches will result in additional charges from Tracers. You should contact Tracers directly to discuss product pricing.

To adjust your user role permissions, click Settings, and then click User Roles. From here, click on a user role and scroll down to the Data Search Permissions section.


Toggle the appropriate permissions for the given user role and save the role to finalize the changes. Repeat this process for each additional user role you'd like to adjust configure data search permissions for.

Step 3: Enable the Trackops Data Provider

To activate your Tracers API connection, click Settings and then Addons & Integrations.  From here, click Tracers.  Fill out the form to continue.

  • Enabled - Determine if the Tracers search should be enabled or disabled.  By enabling the feature, the search will become immediately available.  Enabling this feature will add a Data Searches tab to your cases (see below for a screenshot).
  • API Username - Your Tracers API username, as provided by Tracers.
  • API Token - Your Tracers API Token (i.e. password), as provided by Tracers.
  • DPPA Use Code - If you require access to vehicle registration data, you must provide a DPPA use code to be used with each search you run.  If you do not wish to use vehicle data, you can leave this setting blank to disable vehicle search results.

Important Note: The credentials required for the Trackops / Tracers integration are NOT the same credentials you use to login to the Tracers website.  You must contact Tracers to enable and obtain your API account credentials.

Step 4: Run your first Tracers Search

Now that your account is configured and the Tracers integration is enabled, you're ready to start running Tracers searches inside of Trackops.  To get started, navigate to a case inside of your system and click the Data Searches tab.  If you do not see the Data Searches tab on your case, no data search providers are currently enabled.


From here, click New Data Search, select the appropriate Tracers search, and enter the basic search details for the subject in question.  When you're ready click the Search button to conduct a live search through your Tracers Account (it may take a few seconds for the search to complete).

Once the search has completed, you'll be able to see the results of that search.  If there are no results, the system will also store a record for No Results so that you'll be able to evaluate the criteria used and the other metadata surrounding the search.

That's it, you've run your first Tracers search, and you're ready to start integrating the data into your cases!

Using a Tracers Search within a Subject Profile

Using data search results while creating a new subject profile is simple.  Once you've run a data search, simply add a new subject to your case, and click the Show Data Searches link on the right side of the screen to open the data searches panel.  If you don't see that link on your screen, it means there are no searches available.


Once you've opened the data searches panel, simply select the search results you wish to use and you'll be able see them along side of your new subject form.  At this point, all you have to do is drag and drop any values you wish to use from the search results into your subject profiles to populate the data into your form.


Once you're finished comparing/copying over values, save the subject and you're done!


Currently, Trackops only supports a Tracers Person Search. Additional search options will be coming soon. If you have a preferred data provider, please contact your provider representative and ask them to reach out to us regarding an integration.

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