For situations where unique invoice configurations are required, either for one-off invoices or for a particular client, you can create an invoice template to more easily and accurately adhere to these requirements.
Creating an Invoice Template
To create a new invoice template, click Settings and then click Invoice Templates. From here, click New Invoice Template in the top right corner.
- Name - A friendly name that is easy to recognize in a list.
- Default Due Days - The number of days (beyond the current date) to set the due date. on the invoice.
- Default Public Notes - The public notes that will be visible to the client.
- Default Terms - The terms that will be applied to this invoice.
- Default Print Header - The print header that is applied to printed PDF. Print headers will be centered on the document.
- Default Print Footer - The print footer that is applied to the printed PDF. Print footers will be left justified on the document.
Notes About Using Variables in Invoice Templates
- Notes, terms, and header/footer fields have support for template variables (similar to those used in email templates. Variables are currently limited to Case and Subject fields.
- In addition to the standard fields, Print Header and Print Footer fields allow for two special variables to track the service date range:
- {{Invoice.service_date_start}} - Displays the earliest service date for the given invoice.
- {{Invoice.service_date_end}} - Displays the latest service date for the given invoice.
- Unlike regular template variables, service date variables are not parsed automatically when inserted into an invoice. This is because the values can change over time, and are associated with the PDF document itself (instead of individual invoices). Print headers and footers are only included when a single invoice is printed to PDF.
Invoice Line Items
Adding line items allows you to populate and configure commonly used items automatically without the extra work of adding these manually. Items are stacked when applied, meaning that they do not erase or replace existing items on the invoice.
- Code (if applicable) - If enabled, the item code is available to be selected.
- Item - The invoice item that will be populated.
- Description - If the description is left blank, the default description from the invoice item configuration is used. If it is populated, the description is overridden.
- Quantity - The quantity to be applied to the line item.
- Discount % - When the template is applied, the discount percent will be converted into a monetary value based on the rate and quantity of the selected item.
Applying an Invoice Template to a New or Existing Invoice
Once an invoice template is created, you'll now be able to apply one to a new or existing invoice. To gets started on a new invoice, create a new invoice from an existing case or from the invoices tab itself. Once on the edit screen, click the Apply Template link in the upper right corner and select the appropriate template. Finally click the Apply Template button to populate the invoice with the values.
Automating Invoice Templates by Client
In some situations you may want to apply the same invoice template on all invoices created for a specific client or client location. This can be done by editing the client or client location and selecting the Invoice Template option under the client settings. Once saved, all new invoices for the given client or client location will have the appropriate template automatically applied during creation.
Note: Even if a template is automatically applied, it is still possible to apply a different template while creating or editing the invoice.