API Reference - Case Status Changes

Case status changes allow you programmatically change a case status for a given case. 

Creating a Case Status Change

Changes the status of a given case.

POST /api/v1/case/status_changes

Available Parameters

Name Type Required Description
casefile_id integer yes ID of the case. API Reference - Cases
case_status_id integer yes ID of the case status. API Reference - Case Statuses

Example Case Status Change

A status change is initiated by POSTing a JSON object to the specified end point using the above criteria.  See the following example request:

"status_change": {
"casefile_id": 123,
"case_status_id": 3

Note: The above request is for demonstration purposes only, your implementation will require unique data provided by your account.

Important notes about changing case statuses

  1. Case statuses are linear, meaning that if the status of a given case is changed to an "earlier" (lower ranked) case status, any case status history that currently recorded beyond the current case status will be removed. 
  2. Any case reviews that are configured to be auto-generated when a case reaches or goes beyond a certain status will be processed.  
  3. Any API webhooks that are configured to automatically send case data to a specified URL when a case reaches a certain status will be processed.
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