Converting Case Requests into Cases

So, you've had clients submit case requests, and you want to convert them into actual cases.  This process is very simple.  

Click the Cases tab, and then select Case Requests from the sub-navigation.  The request you're looking for is likely at the top of the list, however you can use the Filter menu, and select the Pending Requests option to get a more concise list.  Once the list loads, click the case request number of the the request you want to approve.


Click the Accept button in the top right to create a new case from this request.  

Note: A user must have the permission to "Approve/Decline Case Requests" to perform this operation (employees only).

After accepting the request, you will be taken to the summary page of the new case.  Confirm the data, make any changes you need, and then save the case.   Once the new case has been generated, you will be taken directly to the case overview.

Note: If you choose to decline the case request, you will be brought immediately back to the case request list.  You can find your declined requests by using the "Filter" menu from the case request list.


From the new case, you will always be able to go back to the original request request by clicking the request number inside the "Related Cases" block, as shown above.

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