How to Send Case Updates to Clients/Staff

At this point, you have already created and validated a new case update.  Now it's time to send it to your client contacts and/or your investigative staff.  

  • Note: You cannot send a case update until it has been validated.

If you've just created the update, or are viewing the update in full context, you will see some options like this:


Alternatively, if you are looking at the Updates tab from within a case, you will see a menu bar like this (see below) above each case update.  Again, the update must be validated in order for these options to appear.


To select the recipients for the update, simply click the Send button, as shown above, which will pop up the recipient selector.


To choose a recipient, check the box next to the name of the person you wish to send it to (as shown above).  Each group of recipients is designated by the gray blocks.  To expand a new block, click the name of the group, and the valid recipients will expand so you can choose the contacts inside.

  • Note: With the exception of the Unassigned Staff block, all recipients must be assigned to the case in order to receive case update emails.
  • Tip: If you find yourself selecting the same recipients on every update, consider creating a case update distribution group to speed up delivery.

If you'd like to include a personalized message along with your update, you can do so by entering your note into the Additional Note block of the send update dialog.  By default, this note will appear above the body of the included case update, however this can be customized by including the appropriate template variable into your case update email template.

When you're ready, click the Send button, and the notification will be delivered.

  • Note: Depending on the user's notification preferences, they may or may not receive an actual email.  The notification will always be available from the notifications tab inside that user's profile.

Once the update has been sent, you can click the Show Recipients link in the info block at the bottom of the update (see below) to confirm the delivery. 


Enabling Identify Protection for File Attachment Links

By default, generated links to file attachments are able to be accessed by anyone who has the link.  If the expiration window is very short, this may be the desired effect.  However, if the link expirations are set for a longer period of time or you'd like to add an additional layer of security to the generated links, it is recommended to apply identify verification.  

Click the Enable Identity Verification checkbox on the send update dialog to enable identify verification on attachments that contain generated links. 

Note: This setting does not affect files that are physically attached to update emails.

Now, when someone is logged out and uses the link, they will be prompted to enter their email address. If the email address they enter is valid and is associated with the link, the user will receive a verification code via the email address they provided.

After receiving the verification code, user then copies and pastes it into the space provided and is granted access to the link for as long as the browser window is open.  If they browser window closes, the user must request a new code to access the file.

Note: Authenticated (logged in) users will not be required to use identity verification to use generated links, as they can already access the file via their permissions.

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