From within Trackops, you can manage your clients, their physical locations, and the client contacts that work at those locations. Before you can begin adding locations and/or contacts, you must first create a top-level client.
Note: Even if your client is an individual, you must still create a client for that person before you'll be able to add the individual contact information.
To create a new client, click the Clients tab, and then click New Client from the sub-menu.
- Name - The name of the company or organization. It's best to keep this name as generic as possible because you will be able to add more specific names for individual locations at a later time.
- Salesperson - The "default" salesperson that is assigned to this client. You can easily customize the salesperson at each location, as well as on each contact that reside at each location. If no salesperson is defined at the contact or location level, the default salesperson is assigned (if it is populated).
- Case Manager - The "default" case manager that is assign to this client. Similar to the salesperson setting, this allows for a specific case manager to be automatically assigned to each case created for this client and its subsequent locations. The default case manager configuration can be overridden on a location or client contact.
- Billing Email - The email address that all invoice related correspondence should be delivered. This field should not be populated if you want the individual requester on a case to receive the invoices and other billing related correspondence. Similar to salespeople, this setting can be overridden at the location level.
- Website - This field is for informational purposes only.
Primary Location
- Location Name - The name of the "primary" location. If this client has many locations, you may want to rename the location to be more easily distinguishable. For example, if this was the "New York" location of "Sample Company", it would be displayed as Sample Company (New York), in many places throughout the system. If you're not sure, you can always edit this at a later time.
- Country & Address - The address of the primary location. New locations for this client will always default to the top-level client's country.
- Phone (Primary, Secondary, Fax) - The primary contact numbers for this client.
Client Notes & Policies
Client notes and policies can accept Markdown formatting to style text input.
- Notes - General, publicly visible, notes related to this client. Anyone who has access to see this client (including the client themselves) will be able to read these notes.
- Case Policies - Specific guidelines and instructions that must be followed when working cases for this client. These policies will appear on every case so that everyone is able to see them. Case policies can also be appended at the location level, giving you the flexibility to customize the instructions on each location you work cases for.
- Update Policies - Instructions and/or notes to be used when creating case updates on cases for this client. These policies will appear when creating or editing a case update for the given client, and can be used to help authors better format their updates to meet the specific requirements of the client.
- Invoice Policies - Billing related guidelines that are visible when creating or editing an invoice. Similar to case policies, these policies can also be appended at the location level.
Client Settings
- Send Overdue Invoices - If disabled, overdue invoice reminders (see "How to Customize your Email Templates" for more information) will not be sent to this client or its contacts
- Show "Bill-To" Location - If enabled, invoices for this client will include the location name in the "Bill-To" details.
- Case Type Restrictions - If selected, the system will limit the available types of cases you can create for this client.
- Default Tax Rate - If selected, the default tax rate will supersede default tax rates on invoice items. The default tax rate can be overridden on the client location, as well as on the client price list.
- Invoice Template - If selected, the system will automatically apply this invoice template to invoices generated for this client.
- Tags - Optionally include keywords that allow you to group this client with other similar clients in the system (e.g. VIP, New, Insurance, etc...)
- Login IP Addresses - A list of IP addresses or IP masks that contacts associated with this client can log in from. Leave this setting blank to allow logins from any IP address.
Once you have created the client, you can add another location by clicking the New button, and selecting Client Location from the sub-menu.