Sales Distribution Report

The Sales Distribution report gives you the ability to generate a report for total sales across a variety of criteria such as by client or by salesperson. So for instance, if you're looking to see how much sales you generated across all of your clients for a given year, this report can give you that.

To get started, go to your Reports tab and select Sales Distribution. You can filter the report by a specific date range to encompass the entire year. 


You can also group the report by a number of other criteria including by Salesperson to see total sales by salesperson and by Client State/Province to see total sales by state or province. 


Once you click Update, the report generates a chart of the distribution of sales across your grouped by criteria including a list of totals at the bottom.


    Note: The list at the bottom of the report provides totals for the grouped by criteria including:

  • The Amount Billed
  • The Amount Paid
  • The Amount Outstanding    


You can then Export the report to a .CSV file which you can then provide to your accountant or management team. 

The system also offers a similar distribution report for your Expenses


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